The main expected result is to familiarise EU legal practitioners with the EU Directives on procedural rights and therefore achieve:
- better application of the Directives on procedural rights, especially in the context of the daily work with the EAW, the Directives regarding the enforcement of foreign criminal sentences, and new and forthcoming instruments regarding the gathering of evidence such as the EIO and e-evidence proposals
- better understanding of the other legal professions when applying the Directives
- better understanding of the national differences when applying the Directives and hence more mutual trust in the different national legal systems
- personal contact with colleagues from other professions, which will foster mutual understanding and hence strengthen the judicial systems
- personal contacts with colleagues from other EU Member States, which will foster mutual trust and the creation of a European judicial culture
- raised awareness on EU procedural safeguards through the website
- a platform for discussion on the need for further EU measures regarding procedural rights across professions and EU Member States
- high standards for procedural rights in the EU.